Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2/10/14 Mini Challenge – WOD

Mini Challenge – WOD

I had an epiphany while writing the last entry. Maybe I am so unsuccessful with challenges because they are too big and too overwhelming to complete. So I thought, why not break them into mini, daily challenges every day, so they see more manageable??? DUH!

Sooooo…. Here is the first entry about yesterday min challenge.  And the challenge was…..

Seems so easy right???? Wrong.

I completed the first part easily; I went online, found one close (CrossFit Love), and signed up for my first wod for that night. EASY PEASY.

The second part was more difficult. I was soooo ready to work out because it’s been over a week. I miss it immensely. The last class was at 6pm (for folks like me, they have later competitions groups but I am not quite ready for that). OF COURSE!!!!! I have a meeting in the afternoon that runs over. So I don’t get out of work till 5:40pm. Leaving me on 20 min to go home, walk the dog and change into my gym clothes.
I was determined, I sped home and walked the dog as fast as his little legs ever went and got changed. I left for the class at 6pm, obviously a little late.

I put the address in my GPS and started going. It’s only like 0.70 miles from me so not a big deal that I was running a little late. Of course it is under an underpass in a dark, sort of shady looking area. I drove and couldn’t find it. I kept driving around and around following my STUPID GPS. I was being tested. I drove around for like 20 or more minutes until my phone was about to die and I had to give up. I also called them but no answer. I was so upset. WHERE THE F COULD IT BE??????

I returned home, defeated. So excited and energetic to work out and I couldn’t.

I figured so be it, I’ll go tomorrow. I will walk my dog instead. Another test. While I was on my way out of the apartment building, JACKSON (by stupid dog) tried to attack our new neighbor. Poor guy. I was so upset and embarrassed by this I just took him back inside. How is this possible? My first day to workout at a new gym, my first time meeting my new neighbor and my FIRST MINI CHALLENGE. Was I going to fail again????????????

He's so EVIL! Can you see it in his eyes?

So instead I cooked a pretty awesome dinner and calmed down. I was not going to fail YES AGAIN, when this mini challenge was supposed to help me succeed.
Chk thighs with balsamic glaze

Lara bar heated in the microwave. BROWNIE IMITATION!

So I worked out in my little living room/bedroom:
100 pushups, 150 sit ups and 200 squats. And it sucked. Each part sucked bad. It took me over 20 min.
Mini living room AND bedroom. 

Today’s mini challenge is going to be: Drink ONLY 16ox of coffee. I am hoping to give it up and I drink like gallons (maybe pints), but still a lot. Stay tuned for that =)

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